Schedule last updated December 17, 2023
Inverness Yacht Club.
State of Tomales Bay Conference 2023 Agenda
Conservation Challenges with Climate Changing
This page provides links to presentations at the State of Tomales Bay conference
Friday, September 29, 2023, 8:30am to 5:30 pm
8:30 AM Registration and Coffee
9:00 AM Welcome – Tom Gaman, Chair – Tomales Bay Foundation
Master of Ceremonies – Amanda Eichstaedt, KWMR
9:15 AM KEYNOTE – Sasha Berleman; Fire Ecologist, ACR. Prescribed Fire and the Future of the Bay Area
10:00 AM Matt Kondolf UC Berkeley, Our Cities and Environmental Change: Giving Room to Natural Processes
10:30 Break
10:45 AM Leslie Lacko, Marin County, Sea-level Rise & the Tomales Bay Living Shoreline Program
11:15 AM Ben Rubinoff University of Washington, Biodiversity, benthic habitat, and biological invasions in Tomales Bay
11:45 AM STUDENT PANEL – Tomales Bay Foundation Research Grant recipients:
Keira Monuki, Understanding the pathways to rampant invasion in a newly introduced sea anemone in Tomales Bay
David Mitchell, Improving restoration success and Phytophthora disease protection for native riparian trees and shrubs.
Frankie Gerraty, Marine Mammal Subsidies to California Coast Coyotes
12:30 PM Lunch – Zero Waste (provided)
1:20 PM Honoring Richard Plant’s lifetime contributions to Tomales Bay (Gene Ptak, Michael Whitt, Axel Nelson)
1:30 PM AFTERNOON THEME– Science and Conservation Guide Stewardship in a Changing Climate
1:30 PM Scott Jennings, 30 years of monitoring Tomales Bay waterbirds: using local factors and regional context to understand long term change
1:50 PM Mia Monroe, National Park Service, A case study in preserving biodiversity – Monarch Butterflies: Milkweed, Nectar Plants & Enhancing Habit.
2:10 PM Sarah Skinker, Marin Resource Conservation District; Carbon Farming & the Marin Carbon Project
2:30 PM Heidi Gregory, Tomales Bay Oyster Company; Aquaculture
2:50 PM Break
3:10 PM Anne Altman, Point Reyes National Seashore, Tourism and Recreation Adaptations in the face of Climate Change
3:30 PM Cyndy Shafer & Bree Hardcastle, California State Parks, Tomales Bay State Parks Forest Health and Wildfire Resilience Project
3:50 PM Tom Gaman, Tomales Bay Foundation. Accomplishing a Restoration Project. Chicken Ranch Beach Case Study
4:10 PM Supervisor Dennis Rodoni, Summary of the day.
4:25 PM Social Hour (Soft drinks provided)
Saturday September 30. 10 a.m. Hiking tour of Millerton Creek Ranch. Mike Giammona, Rancher. $25 donation.
Sunday October 1, 9:30 a.m. 4 hour Kayak Tour of Tomales Bay (departs from Miller Park next to Nick’s Cove).
$115 donation. Register at Blue Waters Kayaking