TBF Advisory Committee

As of May 2023 its members include:

Francine Allen, Inverness

Sarah Allen, Marine Ecologist (NPS, retired)

Rob Carson, Marin Countywide Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program

George Clyde, East Shore Planning Group

Amanda Eichstaedt, KWMR – FM Radio

Ashley Eagle-Gibbs, Environmental Action Committee West Marin

Morgan Patton, Aide to Marin Co. Supervisor Dennis Rodoni

Mike Giammona, Rancher

Dennis Rodoni & Fernando Barreto, Marin County Supervisor & Aide

John Largier, Coastal and Marine Sciences Institute, Bodega Marine Lab. UC Davis

Tom Gardali,  Audubon Canyon Ranch

Dominique Richard, PhD, formerly TBF Water Quality Analyst

Eric Rubenstahl, Marin Agricultural Land Trust (MALT)

Matt Samson, Marin Water Board of Directors

Nils Warnock, Audubon Canyon Ranch

Alan Shabel, Point Reyes Field Station, UC Berkeley

Inverness Yacht Club TBD

We seek your input:

By forming an Advisory Committee (AC), the TBF Board hopes to benefit from diverse stakeholder knowledge of the Tomales Bay watershed, including specific issue areas or scientific expertise, as well as gaining a balanced perspective on “the big picture”.  This will help us, and, we hope, you and your own organizations, to define common strategies for watershed protection, advance specific projects, create partnerships, and enhance ongoing network collaboration. The Advisory Committee members is anticipated to make recommendations to the TBF Board, and to each other, about priority issues and strategies. Ideally the Advisory Committee would guide the TBF Board on projects and policy decisions, serve the TBF informally as ambassadors to the larger community, and help sustain the TBF with leadership, volunteer and financial support.

The Advisory Committee Organization:

The TBF Advisory Committee meets twice a year, ideally in person.  Our goal is to keep it simple.  The TBF Board will provide some basic administrative support on meeting logistics, facilitation, and communications, including drafting an agenda and providing meeting notes.  The TBF Board intends to keep AC meetings interesting and topical. A agendas should include presentations on important activities around the bay, including a short report at each meeting on an exciting project or current concern, such as a report from one of our research grant recipients, or an update from an AC member on key issues.  In addition, we believe that at least an hour should be available for facilitated discussion and input from AC members.  Refreshments and a social time are provided before or after each meeting.

If you are interested in joining the TBF Advisory Committee, please let us know. Thank you for considering to join!

Sincerely, the Tomales Bay Foundation Board